Cappadocia In The Historic Periods 5

Cappadocia In The Historic Periods 5

Byzantine Period (397AD-1071AD)

When the Roman Empire divided into west and east Cappadocia fell under the Eastern Roman Empire. In the early 7th century there were severe wars bewtween the Sassanid and Byzantine armies and for six or seven years the Sassanids held the area. In 651 Caliph Omer ended the domination of the Sassanids and the Arab Ommiades began to attack. Prolonged religious debates among Christian sects reached a peak with the adoption of the Iconoclastic position by Leon III, who was the influenced by Islamic traditions. Christian priests and monks who were in favor of icons began to take care refuge in Cappadocia. The  Iconoclastic Period lasted more then a century (726-843). During this time,although several Cappadocian churches were under the influence of iconoclasm, the people who were in the favor of icons were able to continue to workship comfortably.

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